The Community

A member-run community space, to co-create a future we want to live in, with like-minded people

Join the community to participate in a collective experiment in democratic decision-making and community building, rooted in shared values we want to embody and practice.

Work, Create & Connect Everyday

The space is open to you to use as you wish - co-work, set up your studio or meet like-minded folks to collaborate with. The space is open to members from Monday to Sunday, 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM. Bring a friend along once every month!

Host or Attend Events

Lagori hosts events that promote learning and sharing. This can include workshops, talks, listening sessions, book clubs, screenings, exhibitions and more. Host an event at Lagori, as long as your event ideas align with our values and are in the interest of the collective.

Co-create Futures We Wish To Live In

Members can initiate ideas that are in line with our values to be made or anchored in the space. Examples of ideas can include time bank systems, mutual aid networks, skill swapping, collage-making sessions, reading circles, etc.

Public Fridays

Public Fridays allow non-members to experience Lagori and engage with our community. It’s a day to open our doors and share our space and values with the broader public. Visit the space and interact with the community from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, every Friday! (as long as members are present).

Join the Lagori Community and access the New York, Amsterdam, Japan and Virginia nodes in our global network.

Membership Plan


10 day pass
(to be used within a month)

1 month

Rent a room
(for a month)

2800 + taxes

6800 + taxes

22,000 + taxes

*Please note, membership pricing is subject to ~6 to 8% yearly increases (proportional to our lease terms and inflation)

Lagori values equality of unequals, recognising that true equality addresses differences in abilities and needs. We have a limited number of discounted plans for those who need help to afford the fee. Please get in touch to discuss this with us.

We recommend spending approximately 15 minutes or less to complete the form.

Co-Run Lagori: Have a vote on what happens at the Community Space and how things are run

Access to the space: To work from, use as a studio, meet other folks or do as you wish

Make Projects Possible: Initiate and collaborate on value-aligned projects at Lagori

Attend & Organise Events & Workshops: Free or discounted access for members 

Free Day Pass: To bring along a collaborator or friend each month

Part of a Caring Community: Join a network of thoughtful, supportive members 

Access a global network of Index Nodes: You get all access to nodes in  New York, Amsterdam and Richmond

Alternatively you can also Host an Event at Lagori or Book the Space for workshops, talks or any other events. Fill out the form to get in touch with the team!

Become a Member *

Become a Member *

Library of Things

As a model for learning together and from each other, Lagori's library will not only be a collection of books, but a dynamic repository of knowledge in various forms. This includes peer-led courses, human-library events, shared equipment, maker sessions, and unique objects we stumble upon.